Thursday, August 30, 2012

Domestic Abuse in the Home can effect Children

He Has His  Mothers Eyes
Dear supporters,
I had a call today from the grandmother of a child who is living with domestic abuse. She wanted to know how her grandchild was being effected by the behavior of his parents.
I explained that there can be more than one victim of relationship violence in the home. 70% of the time when a man is abusing his wife he is also abusing his children!
All children are effected by the violence in their homes. Regardless of whether or not your children have been physically abused, watching their mother being battered is a frightening experience. Children from violent homes can exhibit a variety of behaviors. Some may "act out" and may be viewed as delinquent. Others work very hard to excel at every endeavor in an attempt to keep the family peace. Living with violence creates intense stress for a child. Below is a list of some behaviors that are frequently associated with children from violent homes.
Children often imitate behaviors they witness. Generational transfer of violent behavior and emotional dependency on others is common, thus, children learn that violence is an acceptable behavior and an integral part of intimate relationships. Children may become abusive adults or accept domination and control as a normal part of intimate relations. Children raised in an abusive environment may be abused as adults.
 We at the Ina Mae Greene Foundation-For My Sisters, are not only working to raise awareness about the crime of relationship violence in our country, we are also working hard to educate the community about the negative effects domestic violence has  not only the victims, but the family of the victim as well. At IMGF we direct victims of abuse  to resources and help services so that she can move away from the violence, heal and go on with life, safely, protecting herself and her children from further abuse.
If you know someone who is living with abuse, please help by letting her know there is a way out.
Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-7233, or visit our website, http//, for more infomation on how to help someone you love who is being abused!
....."because the road to safety should not be a dead-end"!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Having one of those days?

Dear supporters

Have you ever had ONE OF THOSE DAYS! That day when there is so much confusion and drama in your life, so much going on that you don’t know if “you are going or coming” as my grandmother would say; I am having a day like that today, but I will not despair because I know where my help comes from; “the riddles of everyday living are not too difficult to solve if we look for answers in the right place”.

 When we have questions, we should consult God's word, we should seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and we should trust the Council of God-fearing friends and family members. Are you facing a difficult day? Take your concerns to God and avail yourself of the messages and mentors that He has placed along your path. When you do God will speak to you in His own way and in His own time, and when He does, you can most certainly trust the answers that He gives!

Ladies I am reminding you and myself that this is just one day in our life journey, I trust and believe that tomorrow will be a brighter day!

This is a day that the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it,

                                                          Psalm 118:24

Friday, August 24, 2012

Pearls and Purses!

Date: Friday, September 14th, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Victory Grill
(2501 N. Houston St., Dallas, TX 75219)
Registration only $25.00
Guest Speakers include:Michelle Morgan, Director of "One Safe Place, Melissa Finch, Chair of the Dallas Crime Victims Council and Darlene Greene, Founder-Ina Mae Greene Foundation
Also joining us as Mistress of Ceremony is Dede McGuire, co-host of the Doug Banks Morning Show V-103 FM Radio and Skip Chetham and the Playground Morning Show on K105.5 FM.

Register today at

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life Lessons

Dear supporters
We are going to start something new in the way of sharing and supporting each other as sister friends through our blog, not only in the fight against relationship violence, but because sometimes in order to meet our daily life demands as women, we need a few words of encouragement, along with the reassurance that we are not alone in our life challenges.
I will be submitting a series of prayers , inspirational motivations and life lessons  each week from different sources; they will come from books I have read, the bible, along with contributions from my family, friends and supporters.
If you have words of wisdom, please do not hesitate to post and share your thoughts, visions and prayers with us.
My best to you always
Darlene Greene-Founder
Ina Mae Greene Foundation-For My Sisters
……because the road to safety should not be a dead-end!

Dear supporters

This evening my family and I went to the theater to see the new Sparkle movie starring Whitney Houston and Jordin Sparks. The music was fierce and the story was as entertaining as the original movie starring Irene Cara. However the writers and producers did make some significant changes in the story line, although the message remained the same, that "life is going to throw obstacles in your path on this journey, but not to give up on your dreams, no matter how high you aim, prayer, hard work and determination will help you to see your dream on to fruition"!

However, referring back to the story line, something new to the script was a domestic violence scene that should have been hard to watch, but instead of being shocked and horrified by what they were witnessing, there were people in the audience who were actually laughing! I am not sure if other parts of the movie were intended to be funny or comical, but I am certain it was not THAT ONE!
The character performed by actress Carmen Ejogo, (Sister) did a superb job in that particular scene as a victim of relationship violence, as did her abusive future husband, played by actor Michael Epps (Satin).
Perhaps because I am working with victims and survivors of relationship violence every day, I know the pain and humiliation that this crime brings, along with thousands of deaths of the women and children in our country who are victims ; not to mention that often it takes years of hard work for abuse survivors to start healing and recover from the very real life horror of domestic abuse and relationship violence, so perhaps I was over sensitive about the scene and the reaction from the audience.

I am sure that those young men and women didn’t know like I know that every seven (7) seconds in our country a woman is beaten and abused by her intimate partner, or that every 48 hours a woman is murdered by her partner or ex- partner, or that 25% of all homicides in this country of young women ages  15-24 are relationship or dating related.

That is why we at the Ina Mae Greene foundation are working so hard to raise awareness about the crime of relationship violence in our community and in our country; that is also why we are constantly researching new resources everyday so that we can share that information with victims and their families.

The sad end to my story is that it was not only men who were laughing but young woman as well!  It is most obvious that we have our work cut out for us, and that we have a long, long way to go before we can say that this crime is on the decline and fewer women and children are living in fear for their life while in their own homes.

For more information or to help someone you love who might be going through relationship violence, visit our website