Friday, October 31, 2014

October is National Bullying Prevention Month...

As we close out the month of October with celebrations of Halloween and goblins and scary things, we at IMGF would also like to recognize a cause that has great social significance; one that is "scary"  on many levels for a number of kids today.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying can manifest in various forms, on different levels: from verbal abuse, to cyber-bullying, to physical intimidation, to teen dating violence.
It can impact targeted individuals through fear, low self-esteem, and feelings of isolation.
In the worst case scenarios, it has also lead to suicide, particularly in teens.

Because of the gravity of this issue, National Bullying Prevention Month was established in 2006, by PACER'S National Bullying Prevention Center.

The goal of this month is to increase awareness, help others to honor differences, and find ways to prevent bullying for kids of all ages.
Communities, organizations and schools have joined forces to provide programs and activities which include: stomp out bullying week, make a new friend week, and Blue Shirt Day.

For more information and resources check out Stomp out

Have a safe and "sweet" Halloween.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Domestic Violence Month Featured Advocate-Allstate Foundation's Purple Purse Project

Statistics report that 1 in 4 women will be affected by domestic violence in their lifetime.
One aspect of the "abuse" that continues to victimize women and hold them "hostage" is financial abuse. 
Faced with limited to no funds, many find themselves without the financial resources to move on and start over. For some it's a matter of sheer survival. Financial abuse, in fact, is reported to occur in 98% of domestic violence cases.

Allstate Foundation is working to change that. The "Purple Purse" project provides grants and resources to organizations whose purpose is to work directly with victims to educate and empower them financially.  

Since 2005, they have partnered with leading national and local non-profits to make a positive difference in the fight against domestic violence. Through their efforts, they are making it "fashionable" to talk about domestic violence, in order to remove the stigma, fear, and cycle of silence.

To learn more, or to show support, visit their site at

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Conversation--"Why I stayed, why I left..."

One of the reasons that domestic violence continues to devastate families and claim countless lives each year, is that it is shrouded in secrecy and shame.

Historically, victims have by and large remained silent due to fear. Fear of being judged, fear for their lives, fear of starting over and facing the unknown.
To those who have witnessed it and wondered why, answers are now being shared and needed conversations have begun to perhaps provide healing.

"Why I stayed, why I left" has become a movement and a powerful platform for women across the world to share their stories through Twitter. 

This reportedly in the aftermath of Janay Rice's decision to stay with her husband in the face of domestic violence and the release of the infamous elevator video.

"There is strength in numbers," and perhaps women will find the needed support in sharing their stories and realizing that they are not alone.

What's your story?

We'd love to hear it. Leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October Awareness...What You Should Know

It's October.
A month signifying the end of summer, and a slower pace; as we prepare for the end of the year and holiday festivities.

It's also formally recognized with a very familiar slogan to millions of Americans: "Think Pink."
Which represents Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
In fact, no matter where you live, it's difficult to turn on the TV or radio without hearing the daily messages, commercials, promotional activities, sponsored "walks" and other events to increase awareness and garner support of this deadly threat to women of all ages and backgrounds.
No doubt, it's a worthy cause that merits our attention.

But few recognize comparatively that October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Why is that?
For historical references, Domestic Violence Awareness Month was "officially" recognized back in 1981, while Breast Cancer Awareness Month was said to date back to 1985.

Both tragedies claim countless victims each year, yet domestic violence is rarely addressed, it seems, unless it affects someone who has "Red Carpet" status in our society (Chris Brown, Ray Rice, etc.)

Heres' a point for reflection...
What about the women who don't have a "public platform?" Whose husbands are not celebrities or football players? Are they less worthy of being heard or rescued?  
Do we turn a deaf ear on their cries?
Should we remain silent?

As a wise man once stated: "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

...Food for thought.