Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Holidays From Ina Mae Greene Foundation!

Happy Holidays, Readers and Friends.
The year seems to have flown by, with all the hustle and bustle.
As the year comes to an end, there's no better time to say thanks for your ongoing support, donations, and good will. We appreciate all you do to help us to continue to carry out our mission, and to make domestic violence a thing of the past.

Next year we look forward to some new and promising things, and hopefully more resources to help those in need.

Please keep us in your thoughts and in your prayers.
If you would like to stay abreast of new projects, changes in services or policies, or referral information, you can receive updates by visiting this blog, or signing up for email notifications through this site.

From our door to yours...
Have a Merry Christmas, filled with peace, abundance and joy!



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thoughts of Thanks on Thanksgiving....

It's been a "challenging" year for many of us individually and collectively.
The Ebola crisis. Political upheaval in the White House. Domestic violence issues being brought to the forefront; affecting women and men of every class, color, and socio-economic backgrounds.
The loss of comic legends like Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.
And "extremes" in everything from the weather to the gas prices at the pump.

To paraphrase Charles Dickens...

"These are the best of times, these are the worst of times."
Still there is much for which we all can be grateful. Daily blessings...our health, friendships, family and more.

Accordingly, we at Ina Mae Greene Foundation would like to wish you continued blessings this holiday season,
and Thanksgiving memories as rich as homemade gravy. :-)

Friday, October 31, 2014

October is National Bullying Prevention Month...

As we close out the month of October with celebrations of Halloween and goblins and scary things, we at IMGF would also like to recognize a cause that has great social significance; one that is "scary"  on many levels for a number of kids today.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying can manifest in various forms, on different levels: from verbal abuse, to cyber-bullying, to physical intimidation, to teen dating violence.
It can impact targeted individuals through fear, low self-esteem, and feelings of isolation.
In the worst case scenarios, it has also lead to suicide, particularly in teens.

Because of the gravity of this issue, National Bullying Prevention Month was established in 2006, by PACER'S National Bullying Prevention Center.

The goal of this month is to increase awareness, help others to honor differences, and find ways to prevent bullying for kids of all ages.
Communities, organizations and schools have joined forces to provide programs and activities which include: stomp out bullying week, make a new friend week, and Blue Shirt Day.

For more information and resources check out Stomp out

Have a safe and "sweet" Halloween.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Domestic Violence Month Featured Advocate-Allstate Foundation's Purple Purse Project

Statistics report that 1 in 4 women will be affected by domestic violence in their lifetime.
One aspect of the "abuse" that continues to victimize women and hold them "hostage" is financial abuse. 
Faced with limited to no funds, many find themselves without the financial resources to move on and start over. For some it's a matter of sheer survival. Financial abuse, in fact, is reported to occur in 98% of domestic violence cases.

Allstate Foundation is working to change that. The "Purple Purse" project provides grants and resources to organizations whose purpose is to work directly with victims to educate and empower them financially.  

Since 2005, they have partnered with leading national and local non-profits to make a positive difference in the fight against domestic violence. Through their efforts, they are making it "fashionable" to talk about domestic violence, in order to remove the stigma, fear, and cycle of silence.

To learn more, or to show support, visit their site at

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Conversation--"Why I stayed, why I left..."

One of the reasons that domestic violence continues to devastate families and claim countless lives each year, is that it is shrouded in secrecy and shame.

Historically, victims have by and large remained silent due to fear. Fear of being judged, fear for their lives, fear of starting over and facing the unknown.
To those who have witnessed it and wondered why, answers are now being shared and needed conversations have begun to perhaps provide healing.

"Why I stayed, why I left" has become a movement and a powerful platform for women across the world to share their stories through Twitter. 

This reportedly in the aftermath of Janay Rice's decision to stay with her husband in the face of domestic violence and the release of the infamous elevator video.

"There is strength in numbers," and perhaps women will find the needed support in sharing their stories and realizing that they are not alone.

What's your story?

We'd love to hear it. Leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October Awareness...What You Should Know

It's October.
A month signifying the end of summer, and a slower pace; as we prepare for the end of the year and holiday festivities.

It's also formally recognized with a very familiar slogan to millions of Americans: "Think Pink."
Which represents Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
In fact, no matter where you live, it's difficult to turn on the TV or radio without hearing the daily messages, commercials, promotional activities, sponsored "walks" and other events to increase awareness and garner support of this deadly threat to women of all ages and backgrounds.
No doubt, it's a worthy cause that merits our attention.

But few recognize comparatively that October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Why is that?
For historical references, Domestic Violence Awareness Month was "officially" recognized back in 1981, while Breast Cancer Awareness Month was said to date back to 1985.

Both tragedies claim countless victims each year, yet domestic violence is rarely addressed, it seems, unless it affects someone who has "Red Carpet" status in our society (Chris Brown, Ray Rice, etc.)

Heres' a point for reflection...
What about the women who don't have a "public platform?" Whose husbands are not celebrities or football players? Are they less worthy of being heard or rescued?  
Do we turn a deaf ear on their cries?
Should we remain silent?

As a wise man once stated: "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

...Food for thought.

Monday, September 8, 2014



                               Ray Rice-WHAT IS THE REAL ISSUE HERE?!

The world news is buzzing about Ray Rice and the fact that he knocked his then girlfriend, now wife out cold in an elevator. Thank God for modern technology because without proof from a videotape of the crime, I have to ask, would there have been any action taken against him at all?

And what about her, no one is talking about how she is feeling right now. As we often do with domestic violence victims we put the focus on what she didn’t do. "Why didn’t she leave him after the fight"? "Why did she marry him after he hit her so hard that she was knocked on conscious"? 

Should we instead of asking why is she allowing him to hit her, when he is obviously going to be stronger and hitting her could not have been an act of self-defense.  
 Should not the question be; Why is he hitting his girlfriend, a women who is now his wife and could someday be the mother of his children?

All of this controversy  over who is right and what is wrong here is confirmation that this country still has a very long way to go when it comes to understanding the tremendous harm that violence against women is doing to the American family.

The answer to the Ray Rice dilemma is that he, nor any man should hit his wife, girlfriend or any woman, EVER! 

And the implication that she LET him hit her is absurd! If you saw the video it was obvious there was nothing that she could have done to stop him. Domestic violence is never okay, she could have been seriously injured or even killed when she hit her head, but no one is thinking or talking about that. 

 The world is concerned about is how much money he is going to lose, and if the NFL  is  being fair to HIM for suspending him indefinitely-- for hitting and knocking out (with one punch) a women who he is supposed to love

The response from the world  regarding the plight of this young women is the reason that many women do not come forward. "She is the bad guy because She cost him his career"! Shame on you America!

I hope  and pray that they will not be in the news again -- that when the cameras are not around and they are in privet, that she will safe and not continue to be abused by her husband. 
A man who thought that it was okay to hit her in a public place, thinking that he was above the law and that there would be no retribution for his actions, right down to blaming his bad behavior on being raised by a single Mother!

 We  saw what he did when he thought no one was watching, what might he do when he knows that no one is watching!

This is not the first time this has happened in American--in the NFL, in the NBA , on Wall Street or  back streets-- Domestic violence is happening to women all over the country everyday of every year it is happening.
 Let’s not be up in arms because it happened in the NFL, let’s be upset that it is happening! Period!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Motivational Quotes for Enlightened Living...

Words to Live, Laugh & Grow By

"The formula for peace of mind is simple: don't worry about anything and pray about everything."

"If you control your tongue, you will master your life."
---J. Countryman

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
---Eleanor Roosevelt

"You can't fix what you don't acknowledge first."
---Dr. Phil

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results."

"I wouldn't trade the knowledge I have now for the body I had years ago."
---Kathy Whirity

"Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener."

"Be still and know that I am God."

"Sometimes the best we can do is the best we can do."

"The greatest wealth is health."
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here's hoping that the rest of the week is the best of your week!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


7 Ways Women Can Empower and Uplift Each Other

Women rock. We are the backbone of families, movers and shakers in the business world, and catalysts for change in our communities.
But, unfortunately we don't always come together in support, friendship and solidarity, as we should.
 Many of us not realizing that there's great truth to the adage: "There is strength in numbers."

With this in mind, here are a few ways we can uplift, encourage and inspire, that are simple, quick and "fat-free", even.

1. Say “hello”, “good morning” or whichever greeting that is appropriate during the encounter.

2. Smile. A genuine smile is the one universal language that everyone understands. It is also the absolute smallest action you can take to bless someone else.

3. Speak life into their lives. Women have so many things going on at once – work, home, community and emotions – and just never know what someone is dealing with at any given time. Whenever possible, try to speak a kind, inspiring word to a sister.

4. Pay her a compliment. This is probably the best investment of words you can make on any day. Sincerely compliment a woman on things that are obvious: her beauty, outfit, shoes, purse or smile. If nothing immediately stands out, mention her gifts, talents and accomplishments or don’t say anything at all.

5. Give her a hug. If you have a personal relationship with the young lady, this is easy. If you don’t, you just ask for permission. If you are coming from a legitimate caring place, I’m sure she won’t say no.

6. Express your gratitude, appreciation or admiration in writing. This could be a blog post; a status update on your social site; virtual flowers; or a handwritten letter or card sent through snail mail.

7. Interview her and spread the word on your blog and social sites. This is one of the best ways to acknowledge another woman’s progress and accomplishments and share them with the world. Your interview can be in text, audio or video formats.

Since I know that confident, beautiful and intelligent women who mind their own business – literally and figuratively- are reading this article, I encourage you to make a conscious effort to empower and uplift another sister through one of the actions listed above. Guaranteed, you will be doubly blessed when you bless someone else.

Happy Women's History Month.

BIO: Marcie Hill, M.S. is an author, blogger, entrepreneur and social media expert from Chicago. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

This Valentine's Day...Celebrate You!


Valentine's Day is one of the most celebrated days of the year.
It's a day of sending red roses, buying chocolates, romantic dinners with candle light, and Hallmark Cards with loving expressions.

It's a time honored tradition of showing love and honoring meaningful relationships.
But, even if you don't have someone to call your "honey" the day need not go uncelebrated.

Take the time to cherish you.
That's right. Who better to do it?

It's important to recognize that before we can find someone to love and value us, to appreciate our unique qualities and characteristics, we must embrace self-love.

With this in mind, here are a few timely tips to "court yourself" this Valentine's Day and beyond.

  • Spend the day doing things you treasure.
Whether it's taking in a movie, eating your favorite chocolates, or having a glass of wine to unwind after a hard day.

  • Consider abandoning your diet...for just a day.
But don't over indulge! There's great validity to the expression, "All things in moderation."

  • Don't wish for what others have. It's a waste of time.
As the Bible tells us, there's a "season" for everything. Your time will come to find true love.
Instead of accepting what's out there, hold out to be cherished.

  •  Forgive yourself for mistakes of the past.
Regrets erode growth. Learn the lesson and move on.

  • Set Respectful boundaries.
In the words of Dr. Phil, "We teach people how to treat us by the things we accept."

  • Consider throwing a party for your friends and other singles.
After all, there's more than one form of "love." Where would any of us be without our friends?

So this Valentine's Day, whether you're coupled-up, or by yourself, remember to honor you and celebrate how wonderful you are.

Because the "greatest love of all is inside of you."

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to a New Year and New Possibilities!

Happy New Year.
It's a blessing to usher in 2014. A new year always holds the opportunity for us to learn from past mistakes, reflect upon warm memories, and yet look forward to new horizons and endless possibilities.

We hope that your year will be filled with dreams and things you treasure, good health, and prosperity.

Image: Stuart Miles