Thursday, August 15, 2013

Discover the Joys of Journaling...

Most women can recall capturing their school-girl crushes and adolescent woes between the pages of a pretty diary growing up.
Some with pastel colors, pretty patterns, and lock and key.

It was the one place we could be “heard” and not feel judged.
But just because we’ve outgrown our teenage turmoil and awkward stages, doesn’t mean that we should “close the book” to keeping a journal.

In fact, writing in a journal can be therapeutic and beneficial, no matter what your age or stage.

Here’s why:
  • It’s a way to think on paper, purge feelings, and pent up anger.
  • It helps to enhance creativity, (poetry, essays, books).
  • It helps us to chronicle our past and learn from former mistakes.
  • It allows us to measure our growth and set goals for the future.
  • It helps us to capture those “Kodak” moments worth remembering in the future.
  • Depending upon what we pen between the pages, it can even be left for our kids and grand kids to know more about us, when we “transition” on.

Now that we know "why," here are some examples of “what” types of diaries to consider:

can be used everyday to record things that we are thankful for. Did you get a raise? Leave a bad relationship safely? Find a new place? These are worth noting here.
A TRAVEL JOURNAL--is a great way to write about interesting places you’ve traveled, the culture, and “hot spots” to visit in the future. You can even take photos and place them in your journal to enhance the experience, and provide visuals.
many writers will attest that some of their best writing evolved originally from journal entries. Go with the flow.
A DAILY JOURNAL----These are typically used to record the good, the bad, and the ugly of daily living. Use it everyday, or just when the mood hits you. There’s no right or wrong approach here. If you include a lot of personal details, be sure to keep it in a safe place, under lock and key.
    Consider picking up a pretty diary that reflects your personality at your local stationery store, or local Dollar Store. With the holidays and the new school year approaching soon, no doubt there will be much to write and reflect on!

How about you?
Do you still keep a diary? Do you find it helps you to deal with the pressures of life?


Saturday, August 3, 2013

National Friendship Day--How to help a friend affected by Domestic Violence

August 4th marks National Friendship Day.
A day to honor and celebrate those whom we cherish.
Those who are like our "extended family."
Who can deny their importance?
Even the Bible makes mention of friendship in various chapters and verses.
So today's post will provide tips to help those who may be impacted by Domestic Violence.
This is being provided for informational purposes, and is not to be substituted for professional, legal, or medical advice.

But, it just may save a life...

 It‘s a grey area for many people. On one hand, you want to respect other's privacy and observe boundaries. But, on the other hand, you care about their welfare. You also recognize that silence can sometimes be costly; particularly when it comes to violence, infidelity, or dealing with someone who is mentally unstable.

The TV news and headline stories serve as constant reminders.

 Still… countless questions surface, like… Should I speak up or look away? When is it okay to betray a confidence? Do I speak up after the first incident or multiple times?

Who do I tell? Why me? How will my relationship with the injured party be affected?

Will speaking up put me in potential danger too?
All valid questions…

And the truth is, the answers vary, depending upon the parties involved, the nature and frequency of the situation, and other contributing factors.

1. Be there to listen to those who need to be heard. Always strive to be supportive, without passing judgment, when possible.

2. If there is concrete evidence of physical violence, always tell someone. Tell a relative, or make an anonymous call to your local police station. You may just save a life.

3. Pray. Sometimes when there are no other apparent answers, prayer can make a difference.

4. Suggest that your loved one seek professional help, such as a victim’s outreach service, or a church leader. Assure them that there are always options available.

5. Plant a seed. Maybe a friend or loved one may not be receptive to hearing your advice now, but sharing it may provide future help.

Remember--“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Note: This is an excerpt from "BLOOD RELATIVES" by Darlene Greene. Order your copy today at
