Saturday, September 15, 2012



“Sometimes silence speaks volumes…”

There seems to be a culture of “condoned silence” in Black communities surrounding violence.
One perhaps fueled by a popular saying on the streets, “Snitches get stitches.”
And, of course, reinforced by the old-school expression, “Stay out of grown folks’ business.
So, we begin to clam up and shut down.
We look away when we see a sistah’ being beaten, or a teenager innocently killed as part of a gang initiation.
And we silently thank God when this type of “horror” doesn’t beckon at our doorstep.
But, that’s where we’re wrong.  It is our problem.
You see, every time that a kid is killed, it robs us of our collective strength and progression as a Black people. For who knows what future promise that kid had, or what he might have contributed to society had he reached his full potential. 
We could be losing another “Malcolm” or “Martin”.
Every battered woman who is ultimately murdered represents a loss to our church families, to our workforce, to our legacy.  And her abuser?
Well, that’s one more Black man populating the prison roles, adding to yet another broken home and fatherless kids.  
Statistics show that fatherless boys are more likely to become involved in gangs and violent behavior.
So the cycle continues…which leaves us right back where we started.
 It becomes our problem because it makes our communities battle grounds where nobody is winning, and the innocent often serve as casualties.
It’s a problem, because our tax-paying dollars finance prisons for perpetrators, and welfare rolls for many single-parent households.  
But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Together we can make a difference.
Stand up. Speak out. Volunteer. Donate.
“Nobody can do everything. But, everybody can do something.”

In an effort to end this social plague, and to increase awareness of Domestic Violence, the Ina Mae Greene Foundation is proud to announce the upcoming release of “Blood Relatives” by Darlene Greene. 
This timely guide is part memoir, part self-help, part resource manual.
More importantly, it’s a compelling read that could help save a life.
Your purchase and support will allow us to continue this important work for women everywhere, and to make Domestic Violence a thing of the past.

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